Kestrels half term update
Date: 19th Oct 2021 @ 4:08pm
We have reached the end of the first half term and I’m sure the children are all ready for a break. They have settled brilliantly and learnt so much since they started. We are so proud of each and everyone of them and have loved getting to know them all.
We have now introduced the sounds s a t p I n m d g o and been practicing the formation and building sounds with these letters. Please continue to practice the recognition of these letters aswell as exploring them practically. In addition to working on the jolly phonics books, please also use the orange sound mats for sound dash’s whilst playing lots of practical games. I have included an article of different games you can play, including the one below.
Active phonics pdf
Lay out two or three hoops (cushions, trays, towels etc) as targets and label each one with our latest sounds your child is currently learning (s m d etc). Gather soft toys and other throwable items. Call out words that begin with those sounds. The aim is to use the toys as shot-puts to throw into the correct hoop. Each toy in the correct hoop is a point! Mix them up and try again to see if everyone can better their score
Please have a look at this website for ways to support your child with their number;
Subitising practice;
As part of the new Early Learning goals reform, the concept of subitising has been added to mathematics. Essentially this is the ability to recognise a small number of objects (up to 5) without 1:1 counting. This is a skill that as adults we apply to perhaps recognition of the number of spots on a dice. Development of this skill really supports mathematical understanding, builds up images for numbers and helps to learn number facts.
It is a skill that can be developed through the regular opportunity to practice and see number patterns, and different amounts of objects, without relying on counting.
This can include building familiarity with the spots on a dice through games, or looking at different collections of a small number of objects and seeing either how many there are in total or what smaller groups of objects within the image you can see. You may also play with arranging a consistent number of objects into different smaller groups that can be subitised (for example arranging 5 toys in different ways). The patterns of dots on a dice are always consistently arranged so you could also explore subitising by lots of practice of games using dice or by seeing dots (to 5 or 6) arranged differently.
The attached files show some ideas of how subitising can be practiced in everyday life both in looking at images and objects around you (carrot slices) or other practical activities.
Have a lovely break and we look forward to seeing everyone after half term.
Mrs Cuthbert